MultiTFlevels with Volume Display1. Overview
This indicator is intended for use on trading platforms like TradingView and provides the following features:
Volume Profile Analysis:
Shows cumulative volume delta (CVD) and displays buying and selling volumes.
Historical OHLC Levels:
Plots historical open, high, low, and close levels for various timeframes (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).
Customizable Settings:
Allows users to toggle different elements and customize display options.
2. Inputs
Timeframe Display Toggles:
Users can choose to display OHLC levels from different timeframes such as previous month, week, day, 4H, 1H, 30M, 15M, and 5M.
CVD Display Toggle: Option to show or hide the Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD).
Line and Label Customization:
leftOffset and rightOffset: Define how far lines are extended left and right from the current bar.
colorMonth, colorWeek, etc.: Customize colors for different timeframe OHLC levels.
labelOffset and rightOffset: Control the positioning of volume labels.
3. Key Features
Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD)
Computes the cumulative volume delta by adding or subtracting the volume based on whether the close price is higher or lower than the open price.
Shows a label on the chart indicating the current CVD value and whether the market is leaning towards buying or selling.
Historical OHLC Levels
Data Retrieval:
Uses the function to fetch OHLC data from different timeframes (e.g., monthly, weekly, daily).
Draws lines and labels on the chart to represent open, high, low, and close levels for each selected timeframe.
Buying and Selling Volumes
Calculates buying and selling volumes based on whether the close price is higher or lower than the open price.
Shows labels on the chart for buying and selling volumes.
4. Functions
Retrieves open, high, low, and close values from the specified timeframe.
plotOHLC(show, open, high, low, close, col, prefix)
Draws OHLC lines and labels on the chart for the given timeframe and color.
5. Usage
Chart Overlay: The indicator is overlaid on the main chart (i.e., it appears directly on the price chart).
Historical Analysis:
Useful for analyzing historical price levels and volume dynamics across different timeframes.
Volume Insights:
Helps traders understand the cumulative volume behavior and market sentiment through the CVD and volume labels.
In essence, this indicator provides a comprehensive view of historical price levels across multiple timeframes and the dynamics of market volume through CVD and volume labels. It can be particularly useful for traders looking to combine price action with volume analysis for a more in-depth market assessment.
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All Support and Resistance Levels [PINESCRIPTLABS]First, we observe the Light Blue Macro Supports and the Pink Macro Resistances. These channels are automatically formed based on market data, identifying pivot points in price history and determining the strength of these levels based on the number of pivot points within these same channels. When the price interacts with the macro Supports, we have a strong reaction that we can take advantage of in two ways:
1. The first and most common, as we can see in the chart, is that these zones elicit a strong reaction, and the price respects the channel. For us, as traders, it signifies a pivot point where we can initiate a trade, either a buy at the macro Support or a sell at the macro Resistance.
2. The second way to use them, for which this algorithm is also prepared, is in case a movement occurs where the price breaks these Macro Supports or Macro Resistances. We have a special alert that will notify us because when these macro channels are broken, they tend to do so violently in a move that we can also capitalize on. Usually, when such a breakout occurs, we will visit the next support or resistance channel, which can bring us significant benefits.
The following complex and highly accurate calculation provided by this indicator allows us to work with price supports and resistances within the internal structure of macro channels. As we can see in the chart, "boxes" are formed that represent the detected support and resistance areas. It also detects breakouts when the price crosses below the support "box" or above the resistance "box" and displays labels on the chart indicating when the breakout occurred, all in real-time. But here comes something very special: the algorithm also has a calculation that, as we see in the chart, there are occasions when the breakout occurs, but the price returns to the support or resistance "box" and is detected. At this moment, a label appears on the chart indicating a possible confirmation of the breakout. In other words, as the price initially broke out but returned to the "box," the algorithm will notify us with another label and a special alert when the price confirms the breakout.
At the same time, we can see in the chart that the algorithm also provides us with a volume profile that allows us to see where the most trading activity has concentrated based on price levels. We can also use it to identify support and resistance levels based on the point of control (POC) and value area levels. As we can see in the chart, there are labels with the exact price where the highest volume was traded. The top label in the chart shows the highest price, and the last label we see is for the lowest price. These displayed labels are within the defined range of retrocession or Lookback Length, which we can configure in our indicator. As we observe, the algorithm shows a strong confluence between the Macro Support channels and the volume profile labels, confirming the strongest areas of the range.
Finally, after calculating supports and resistances from three different perspectives, the algorithm provides us with a macro view of the price in the form of trend lines. In other words, it shows us supports and resistances in the form of diagonal channels where we can see trends in the market and areas where the price has historically encountered difficulties in advancing or retreating, which we can corroborate with the supports and resistances mentioned at the beginning.
As we can see in the chart, the algorithm also shows us labels with the exact price where angular price supports and resistances are located. These calculations are very important as they provide a trend perspective, and we can get an idea of where the price is headed, combining these with the other support and resistance calculations.
Remember that all the previous calculations have their own alerts for when supports or resistances are broken, or in the case of new channels being created, also when there is a breakout of a box or a confirmation of a breakout.
The second type of alert from the indicator is configured to make our indicators work for us without the need to be present on the chart, thanks to special programming within the indicator's code. It will execute automatic buys and sells on our preferred exchange through an alert configured for the 3Commas bot. All you need to do is input your Bot ID, provided by 3Commas, into the alert. All premium indicators come with a configuration explanation that will guide you in detail on where to input your Bot ID.
En primer lugar, observamos los Macro Soportes en color azul claro y las Macro Resistencias en color rosa. Estos canales se forman automáticamente en función de los datos del mercado, identificando puntos de pivote en el historial de precios y determinando la fuerza de estos niveles según la cantidad de puntos de pivote dentro de estos mismos canales. Cuando el precio interactúa con los macro Soportes, tenemos una fuerte reacción que podemos aprovechar de dos formas:
1. La primera y más común, como observamos en el gráfico, es que estas zonas provocan una fuerte reacción, y el precio respeta el canal. Para nosotros, como traders, significa un punto de pivote donde podemos generar una entrada, ya sea de compra en el macro soporte o de venta en la macro resistencia.
2. La segunda forma de utilizarlos, para la cual este algoritmo también está preparado, es en caso de que se genere un movimiento en el que el precio rompa estos Macro Soportes o Macro Resistencias. Contamos con una alerta especial que nos avisará, ya que al romperse estos macro canales suelen hacerlo con violencia en un movimiento que también podemos aprovechar. Regularmente, cuando existe este rompimiento, visitaremos el siguiente canal de soporte o resistencia, lo que nos puede traer grandes beneficios.
El siguiente cálculo complejo y muy preciso que nos ofrece este indicador nos permite trabajar con soportes y resistencias del precio dentro de la estructura interna de los canales macro. Como observamos en el gráfico, se producen "boxes" que representan las áreas de soporte y resistencia detectadas. Además, detecta breakouts cuando el precio cruza por debajo del "box" de soporte o por encima del "box" de resistencia y muestra etiquetas en el gráfico que nos indican cuándo ocurrió el breakout, todo esto en tiempo real. Pero aquí viene algo super especial: el algoritmo también tiene un cálculo que, como vemos en el gráfico, hay ocasiones en las que el breakout ocurre, pero el precio retorna al "box" de soporte o resistencia y es detectado. En este momento, aparece una etiqueta en el gráfico que nos muestra que estamos ante una posible confirmación del breakout. Es decir, como el precio había hecho en primer lugar el breakout pero regresó al "box", el algoritmo nos avisará con otra etiqueta y alerta especial cuando el precio confirme el breakout.
Al mismo tiempo, observamos en el gráfico que el algoritmo también nos muestra un perfil de volumen que nos permite ver dónde se ha concentrado la mayor actividad de negociación en función de los niveles de precios. También podemos usarlo para identificar niveles de soporte y resistencia basados en el punto de control (POC) y los niveles de valor (Value Area). Como vemos en el gráfico, tenemos etiquetas con el precio exacto donde se negoció la mayor cantidad de volumen. La etiqueta superior del gráfico nos muestra el precio más alto, y la última etiqueta que observamos es la de la parte baja, que nos indica el precio más bajo. Estas etiquetas mostradas están dentro del rango de retroceso definido o Lookback Length, que podemos configurar en nuestro indicador. Como observamos, el algoritmo nos muestra una fuerte confluencia entre los canales de soporte Macro y las etiquetas del perfil de volumen, lo que nos confirma las áreas más fuertes del rango.
Por último, después de hacer los cálculos de soportes y resistencias desde tres perspectivas distintas, el algoritmo nos proporciona una visión macro del precio en forma de líneas de tendencia. Es decir, nos muestra soportes y resistencias en forma de canales diagonales donde tendremos representadas las tendencias en el mercado y áreas en las que el precio históricamente ha encontrado dificultades para avanzar o retroceder, lo que podemos corroborar con los soportes y resistencias de los que hablamos al principio.
Como observamos en el gráfico, el algoritmo también nos muestra las etiquetas con el precio exacto donde se encuentran los soportes angulares del precio y las resistencias angulares. Estos cálculos son importantísimos, ya que nos ofrecen una perspectiva de tendencia y podemos tener una visión de hacia dónde se dirige el precio, combinando estos con los otros cálculos de soportes y resistencias.
Recuerden que todos los cálculos anteriores tienen su propia alerta para cuando los soportes o resistencias se quiebren o en su caso, se creen nuevos canales, también cuando haya una ruptura de un "box" o una confirmación de ruptura.
El segundo tipo de alerta del indicador está configurada para que nuestros indicadores trabajen para nosotros sin necesidad de estar presentes en el gráfico, esto mediante una programación especial dentro del código del indicador que realizará compras y ventas automáticas en nuestro Exchange de preferencia mediante una alerta configurada para el bot 3Commas. Solo bastará con que pongamos nuestro número de Bot o Bot ID que da el proveedor de 3Commas y lo insertemos en la alerta. Todos los indicadores premium tienen en su configuración una explicación detallada sobre dónde poner tus Bot ID.
Footprint ClassicThe Volume Footprint chart is analyzing volume data contained within candles and split it into two components - Up and Down volume. This analysis is similar to how Volume Profile evaluates volume data from a portion of the chart.
This script can be used by any user. You do not need to have PRO or PREMIUM account to use it.
As a user, you have the flexibility to select the desired level of data precision for the Volume Footprint analysis. We highly recommend using the highest precision possible, as it provides the most accurate results. However, it's important to keep in mind that Trading View has several limitations and not all levels of precision are available on all intervals. The higher the precision, the shorter the history of available data.
If, after adding the script or changing the precision, you encounter an error message stating "'The study references too many candles in history'", it may be necessary to reduce the precision level in the script settings to resolve the issue.
This script is a part of the "Volume Footprint" toolkit, which includes:
I. Footprint chart visualization scripts in two variants:
⠀⠀Volume Footprint - Presenting volume data on both sides of the candle.
⠀⠀Volume Footprint Classic - Presenting volume data on the right side of the candle.
II. Supporting tools:
⠀⠀Volume Footprint Statistics - Script presents, in tabular form, basic statistics calculated from candle volume data, such as Delta, min Delta, max Delta and more. It can support both Volume Footprint and Volume Footprint Classic.
⠀⠀Volume Footprint Candles - Tool drawing candles adapted for footprint chart scripts.
III. Tools dedicated to more detailed analysis:
⠀⠀Volume Delta - A candle chart illustrating changes in delta values.
⠀⠀Volume Cumulative Delta - A candle chart ilustrating changes in cumulative delta values.
⠀⠀Volume Delta In Candle - A line chart showing changes in delta values over a period equal to the chart interval.
⠀⠀Volume Cumulative Delta in Interval - A line chart showing changes in cumulative delta over a period equal to the chart interval.
Script with limited access, contact author to get authorization
User Interface:
The script groups Up and Down volume into slots based on price. The height of the slots is controlled by the "Slot height" parameter in the settings. Each slot has the following configurable features:
Text - A label that displays the value. You can choose from:
⠀- - Hidden
⠀V - Slot Volume (UP + Down)
⠀V% - Slot volume as percentage of Candle volume
⠀UD - Up and Down volume
⠀UDI - Up and Down volume + Imbalance symbols.
⠀Δ - Delta (Up - Down Volume)
⠀Δ% - Delta as percent of slot volume (from -100% to 100%)
Border - Highlight slots with border color. You can chose from:
⠀- - Hidden
⠀C - Constant color
⠀POC - Slot with biggest volume
⠀V - Slot volume compared to other slots in that candle
⠀VA - Value area, highlights slots forming the value area
⠀Δ - Delta is the slot.
Background - Highlight slots with background color. You can pick one of:
⠀- - Hidden
⠀C - Constant color
⠀POC - Slot with biggest volume
⠀V - Slot volume compared to other slots in that candle
⠀VA - Value area, highlights slots forming the value area
⠀Δ - Delta is the slot.
Imbalances symbols:
Before the Down Volume, the following imbalance symbols may appear:
⠀↓ - 3 times
⠀↡ - 5 times
⠀⇊ - 10 times
After the Up Volume the following imbalance symbols may appear:
⠀↑ - 3 time
⠀↟ - 5 times
⠀⇈ - 10 times
Above the candle, the following basic statistics can be shown:
"V:" - Row with volume statistics:
⠀∑ - Total volume ,
⠀Δ - Difference between Up and Down Volume .
⠀min Δ - The smallest difference between Up and Down Volume in that candle
⠀max Δ - the biggest difference between Up and Down Volume in that candle
Script settings:
Slot height = 10^ - Price slot height on the chart, recorded as a power of 10, which means:
⠀ 0 - 1$
⠀ 1 - 10$
⠀ 2 - 100$
⠀ 3 - 1000$
⠀-1 - 0.1$
⠀-2 - 0.01$
⠀-3 - 0.001$
Data precision - One of 6 standard levels of data precision: ▉▇▆▅▃▁, where ▉ means the highest precision and ▁ the lowest available precision and two special values "W" and "M" dedicated for biggest intervals. The highest precision should be available for 15-minute chart, but for a 1D chart, it may hit TradingView limitations and the script will not be launched by the platform with error: "'The study references too many candles in history'". The general recommendation is to use the highest available precision for a given instrument and interval.
Precise warnings - An option to show warnings about missing volume in candle footprint (warning connected with one of TradingView limitations).
Text - Picking what king of info is on label:
⠀- - Hidden
⠀V - Total slot Volume
⠀V% - Slot volume as % of Candle volume
⠀UD - Up and Down volume
⠀UDI - Up and Down volume + Imbalance symbols.
⠀Δ - Delta
⠀Δ% - Delta as percent of slot volume
Centered - If checked volume labels are stick to candle (centered), if not they are alligned to right.
Border, Background:
⠀- - Hidden
⠀C - Color1
⠀POC - Slot with biggest volume
⠀V - Slot volume compared to other slots in that candle
⠀VA - Value area, highlights the slots forming the value area
⠀Δ - Delta is the slot, color1 is used when volume Up is at least 10% bigger, color2 is used when Volume Down is at least 10% bigger
Filter - Filtering option than allow hinding labels with small values:
⠀0 - filter turned off.
⠀1-5 - filtering with transparency
⠀6-10 - Filtering with hiding values
Show zeros - Option to show zeros or leave empty spaces
Draw candles - Option to draw candles that fit the volume labels, and 2 fields to choose the color of up and down candles. It is recommended to hide chart candles and use candles adapted to the footprint chart. TradingView has a bug and candles are drawn under the slots. If you choose a non-transparent background or border, they may be invisible. If possible (free accounts have a limit of 3 scripts), it is recommended to use Volume Footprint Candles script to draw thin candles over the slots.
Show stats - Showing stats over the candle: ∑, Δ, min Δ, max Δ. It's recommended to use 'Volume Footprint Statistics' script instead
Font size - Used to draw stats over the chart: T(iny), S(mall), N(ormal), L(arge)
Instrument and Volume status - A dialog showing basic chart information: Instrument type, Volume type, Smallest change, slot height.
Value area - Value area is the smallest group set of neighboring slots that have at least n(param) % of candle volume.
⠀ Value Area Minimal Volume (%) - Value area size as % of candle volume
⠀ Track - Option to track value areas, potencial support-resistance zones.
⠀ Only active - Option to hide areas that were crossed by the price.
⠀ Show Values - Opiton to show volume value over tracked value areas.
⠀ One alert per Bar - Emits no more than one alert per bar.
⠀ Add value area to tracking - Emits an alert about a new VA beeing added to the tracking list.
⠀ Remove value area from tracking - Emits an alert when a VA is removed from the tracking list.
In case of any problems, please send error details to the author of the script.
Known issues:
"The study references too many candles in history" - If you encounter this issue, try changing "Data precision" setting to a lower value.
VWAP Boulevard [vnhilton](OVERVIEW)
The idea of this indicator comes from traders identifying supply to mainly look for shorts. Scenarios would be gap ups or pump & dumps where huge volume is transacted, & bag-holders are present. Some traders would draw resistance lines, I myself used to draw supply zones using the volume profile on that day, & others used the day VWAP on those days. VWAP Boulevard (I believe the name comes from the trader named team3dstocks) draws day VWAP lines from the highest volume days for a given period (excluding the current day).
- Draws horizontal & vertical lines from up to 250 highest volume days out of up to 3568 days, with the ability to hide either of these lines, their thicknesses, styles
- Extend/cut horizontal lines, or extend them all the way to the right
- Show the day VWAP, volume & age for these days in labels, with the ability to show what information you want to see only
- Separate customizable color forms for the lines & labels - ordinary (1 color); volume (2 color gradient from lowest to highest volume of the highest volume days); age (2 color gradient from youngest to oldest volume of the highest volume days)
- Edit offset & size of labels, & hide them
- Hide vertical lines
From left to right: Age color; ordinary color; volume color
250 highest volume days in the past year. Very messy so it's very likely you won't be using this but the ability to draw lines from 250 highest volume days is there if needed
- This indicator will only on the daily timeframe (error message will show up if unaware of this, & can be toggled off). Unfortunately, this would mean you would have to draw the lines manually yourself if you wish to use them on intraday timeframes.
- You may also encounter the 'Pine cannot determine the referencing length of a series. Try using max_bars_back' error. This occurs when the lookback period is very high & the indicator attempts to recalculate I believe. If this happens then reload the indicator.
The logic I used to obtain the highest volume days were to put all of the volume days in a given period in 1 array, then to sort them from highest to lowest, & also store their sorted indices in an separate array as well, so that drawings for each volume day could be done from the 2 arrays.
//Volume for last N periods
var int pastVol = array.new_int(lookbackPeriodFixed)
for i = 0 to lookbackPeriodFixed - 1
array.set(pastVol, i, int(volume ))
sortedIndices = array.sort_indices(pastVol, order.descending) //All Indices of sorted volume from highest to lowest
sortedIndices2 = array.slice(sortedIndices, 0, highestVolDays) //Indices of sorted volume from highest to lowest
array.sort(pastVol, order.descending) //All Volume sorted from highest to lowest
pastVol2 = array.slice(pastVol, 0, highestVolDays) //Volume sorted from highest to lowest
for i = 0 to highestVolDays - 1
index := array.get(sortedIndices, i)
vol := array.get(pastVol, i)
Since these array sizes were determined from the lookback period, it would mean that the function used to obtain daily values on intraday timeframes wouldn't work for a lookback period >20 (20 * 2 values I believe, which are the day VWAP & the day volume) as TradingView has put a maximum amount of calls of 40 in 1 script. Therefore, for intraday plots to work I would have to change the logic for getting the day VWAP & day volume for the highest days, as the function doesn't work on for loops, & this would also mean that the user would only be able to draw lines from up to 20 highest volume days instead of 250. I couldn't go forward with this as I wasn't able to find the logic to pick the highest volume days & their day VWAPs & times (indexes) without using a for loop. If anyone has any solutions (including for the 'Pine cannot determine the referencing length of a series. Try using max_bars_back' error) then please let me know. I've also left commented-out code for dealing with intraday drawings for future use.
Volume FootprintThe Volume Footprint chart is analyzing volume data from inside the candle and split them into Up and Down Volume in the same way as Volume Profile analyzes the volume data from a fragment of the chart.
The visualization is little different:
Down Volume (sells) are shown on the left side of a candle.
Up Volume (Buys) are shown on the right side of a candle.
User can pick data precision used by Volume Footprint. We recomend to use the highest possible precision.
Unfortunatelly Trading View has many limitations.
If after adding script nothing is visible with error: "'The study references too many candles in history'" you need to use lower precision - It can be changed in script settings.
This script is a part of a toolkit called "Volume Footprint", containing few tools:
Volume Footprint - Scripts drawing Volume Footprint chart.
Volume Footprint Statistics - Script showing table with basic statistics about Up and Down volume inside the candles.
Volume Delta In Candle - Chart showing history of delta (difference between Up and Down volume) changes inside the current candle.
Volume Cumulative Delta - Chart showing history of cumulative delta (sum of difference between Up and Down volume in trading period equal to chart interval).
This script can be used by any user. You do not need to have PRO or PREMIUM account to use it.
Script with limited access, contact author to get authorization
User Interface:
Script is grouping Up and Down Volume into slots based on price. Slots height is controled by "Slot height" param in settings.
On left side of a candle Down Volume is shown and on right side Up Volume is shown.
Before Down Volume may appear imbalance symbols:
⠀↓ - 3 times
⠀↡ - 5 times
⠀⇊ - 10 times
After Up Volume may appear imbalance symbols:
⠀↑ - 3 time
⠀↟ - 5 times
⠀⇈ - 10 times
Above the candle we can show some basic statistics of that candle:
"V:" - Row with volume statistics:
⠀∑ - Total volume,
⠀Δ - Difference between Up and Down Volume.
⠀min Δ - Smallest difference between Up and Down Volume in that candle
⠀max Δ - Biggest difference between Up and Down Volume in that candle
Script settings:
Slot height = 10^ - Price slot height on the chart:
⠀ 0 - 1$
⠀ 1 - 10$
⠀ 2 - 100$
⠀ 3 - 1000$
⠀-1 - 0.1$
⠀-2 - 0.01$
⠀-3 - 0.001$
Data precision - One of 6 levels of data precision: ▉▇▆▅▃▁, where ▉ means the highest precision and ▁ the lowest available precision. On 15 minute chart highest precision should be available, but on 1D it will probably hit TradingView limitations and script will not be even launched by the platform with error: "'The study references too many candles in history'". The general recommendation is to use the highest available precision for a given instrument and interval.
Precise warnings - Option to show precise warnings about missing volume in candle footprint (warning connected with one of TradingView limitations).
Draw candles - Option of drawing candles fiting to volume labels and 2 fields for picking colors of up and down candles. The general recommendation is to hide chart candles and turn on this option.
Show stats - Showing stats over the candle: ∑, Δ, min Δ, max Δ. You can use 'Volume Footprint Statistics' script instead
Font size - Used to draw all the data over the chart: T(iny), S(mall), N(ormal), L(arge)
Centered - If checked volume labels are stick to candle (centered).
Color values - Option to draw labels with use of Up or Down color, depending which value (Volume Up or Volume Down) is bigger in the price slot.
Filter - Filtering option than allow hinding labels with small values:
⠀0 - filter turned off.
⠀1-5 - filtering with transparency
⠀6-10 - Filtering with hiding values.
Show zeros - It can show zeros or leave empty places
Highlight biggest slot - Option to highlight price slot with biggest volume in the candle.
Imbalances - Showing imbalance symbols before Down or after Up Volume
Only over average - Showing imbalances symbols only for volume not smaller than the average value.
Value area - Option to identify group of slots with biggest volume in each candle. A group is a smallest set of neighboring slots that have at least n(param) % of candle volume .
⠀ Value Area Minimal Volume (%) - Value area size as % of candle volume .
⠀ Color - Color of the Value area.
⠀ Show borders - Showing border lines of value areas over the candle.
⠀ Track - Option to track value areas. Potencial Support-Resistance zones.
⠀ Only active - Hide areas that were crossed by the price.
Show Values - Show volume value over tracked value areas.
In case of any problems, send error details to the author of the script.
Known issues:
"The study references too many candles in history" - Change "Data precision" settings to some lower value.
RSI ProfileThis indicator shows the RSI profile from historical RSI Value and High / Low RSI Pivots.
It is inspired by the Volume Profile which is a common charting study that indicates activity at specified levels. It plots a histogram on the chart meant to identify dominant/significant levels.
This script is profiling RSI levels into a histogram, which can identify the crucial RSI values in the chart. Along with the pivot options that can help identify the dominant pivot points where RSI values had been rebounding historically.
How to use:
There are three profile types available in the settings. When selecting RSI Values, the indicator will count RSI values from history, and plot the count in a histogram at the end of the chart. If you select RSI Pivots High or RSI Pivots Low, the indicator will count only the RSI Pivot Highs and Lows and plot the count in a histogram. Users can select the Pivot Left/Right length from the settings.
Users can extend the POC line to the left, to study how the values had been reacting to POC
Please note: Since the RSi values range from 0 to 100, the indicator is rounding off the values to absolute numbers. This can cause a situation where multiple POC are identified, to find the unique POC, you can increase the width of the histogram.
The Max/Min RSI settings are for visual purposes only, it can help users shrink down the histogram's top and bottom visibility
Auto Support & Resistance Volume Based + ScannerThis indicator tracks large marker maker orders and draws support & resistance levels based on where those orders came in. It allows you to track what the market makers are doing and place your trades in line with them. Look for the lines to suck up to the price and that will show you where large orders are coming in which is where reversals will happen or trend continuation will happen at an accelerated rate. The fat lines are higher timeframe volume spikes and major volume spikes. Look for bounces off of these fat lines. The fatter the line, the bigger the volume spike. The skinny lines are minor volume spikes over shorter time periods. These can be viewed as short term support and resistance levels and consolidation zones.
***HOW TO USE***
Look for bounces off of the fat lines and place trades accordingly. Those levels are where the market makers placed their orders and you will notice how well price reacts to these levels.
Look for the lines to suck up/down to the price. This shows you where volume is coming in which typically means a reversal is about to happen. If a reversal doesn’t happen, then the trend will continue its original direction, but usually move faster. Wait for these lines to suck up to price before trying to buy the bottoms or sell the tops. If you can have the patience to wait for this to happen, it will keep you out of a lot of choppy price action and give you very good places to take trades that move quickly.
When all the levels suck up to the price and all the colors change to red from green or green from red, it is an indication of market sentiment changing and the trend will likely reverse.
For best results, use this on charts for exchanges that have the highest volume and the most institutional buyers as those will give better levels since there are more market makers on those exchanges. Use exchanges such as NYSE, ARCA and NASDAQ for stocks and use COINBASE, BINANCE, MEXC perpetual futures charts or PEPPERSTONE for crypto.
If price breaks out or down from the group of levels and no lines suck up to the price, then it is a low volume breakout and price usually comes right back to the support and resistance levels so beware when this happens.
If there are no levels near the current price, look at the previous levels in that price range as those are still very relevant areas.
You can also draw trendlines from recent high and low points of the lines where they changed, which works very well for finding tops/bottoms in confluence with the real time s&r levels.
I recommend looking at higher timeframes and drawing horizontal lines where the fat lines are that extend for a long period of time. Then you will have those levels on your lower timeframe charts so you don’t miss any major levels that price will likely bounce off of.
Make sure you spend some time looking back at historical data so you can get a feel for how this indicator reacts to volume spikes before using it.
This indicator scans higher timeframes for volume spikes, so make sure you update the higher timeframes used when looking at anything higher than the 1 minute timeframe as that is what the settings are optimized for. You can create new chart layouts for each timeframe you use frequently and save your settings on each chart so that you don’t have to update those settings when you switch timeframes.
The table at the bottom of the screen scans 8 other tickers for volume spikes. When a volume spike is detected, the color of that ticker will change from blue to orange to notify you. You can customize which tickers the indicator scans within the indicator settings. Make sure to save your chart layout with your updated tickers so you don’t have to change them frequently. Input all tickers from a certain sector to see how that sector is performing overall which can help give you a good idea of the sector as a whole. Save a different chart layout with each different sector you want to scan so you don’t have to switch the tickers frequently.
This indicator is set up with alerts that can be turned on to notify you of volume spikes on the ticker that the chart is set to.
You can customize the colors of the lines and backgrounds in the indicator style tab. You can also turn off the scanner if you want to within the indicator input tab. The tickers to scan can be customized to suit your preferences within the indicator input tab. The higher timeframes used can also be adjusted within the indicator input tab.
This indicator can be used on all markets that have volume data, including stocks, crypto, futures and forex.
This indicator can be used on all timeframes as long as there is enough data for the session used.
Try using numerous indicators of ours on your chart so you can instantly see the bullish or bearish trend of multiple indicators in real time without having to analyze the data. Some of our favorites are our Trend Friend Signals, Volume Profile with Buy & Sell Pressure, RSI Scalper Ribbon and Auto Support & Resistance with Wick Signals to find those major levels that are not associated with volume spikes in combination with this volume based auto support and resistance indicator.
WMACDThis is MACD but little different.
The idea behind this is to use MACD to find resistance and support level first. So we can use the logic of volume profiles for this setting and by imply the MACD on it you can make the hybrid for it .
The line represent the both resistance level and if macd is above or bellow the zero
if line is red the macd is bellow zero if it lime then it above zero .
The bars represent the macd (in gray) - left side is buy and right side is sell
so how to use it ?
for example : if MACD is red and price is bellow the line we are in bear state and the line represent the resistance
lets say price bellow the line and macd line is green then this is buy signal and our goal is to reach the price of the supposed resistance
, if price break the line up then we are in bull time mode and strong buy .
Now our line will become the support line .
you can change the setting of the MACD to make it more sensitive or less sensitive as regular macd with fast and slow length
This is a concept idea how to make the MACD to find resistance and support level
so try to play with it to see how it work
Trend Friend - Swing Trade & Scalp Signals - Stocks Crypto ForexTREND FRIEND is a custom built, data driven algorithm that gives buy and sell signals when many different factors line up together on a single candle. It is designed to catch every move so you can expect early entries and exits across all of your favorite markets. Use scalp mode for early entries with lots of signals or swing mode for longer swings with fewer signals and long swing mode for really long swing trades with even less signals.
The best markets to use this indicator on are high volume tickers with a lot of price action as these markets have enough data to use to give the signals the algo needs to be able to detect highly probable moves in price. That being said, it works across all markets such as stocks, crypto, forex and futures and across all timeframes(on really long timeframes it may not give signals due to not having enough data to work with).
The algo is designed to catch major moves, so if a signal seems to come in late, it is highly likely the market is about to reverse so use caution when taking signals that seem late. This typically happens because the market is indecisive so always be careful in these situations and just wait for a better signal when markets are really decisive.
Always trade in the direction of the trend meaning the volume weighted moving average clouds. There is also a trend detection label and risk level label that you should follow to keep your trades as safe as possible. The safest way to do this is only trade short when the VWMA 100 is below the VWMA 500 and a Bear signal comes in very close to a VWMA line. Only trade long when the VWMA 100 is above the VWMA 500 and a Bull signal comes in very close to a VWMA line.
If price is between the moving averages, play the VWMA 100 and VWMA 500 as support and resistance and only take signals near one of the VWMAs with the plan of price returning to the other VWMA. If you are taking trades against the trend, like trying to buy the dips or sell the tops, wait for price to cross the VWMA 100 before following a signal.
If the VWMA 100 and VWMA 500 are close to each other and/or moving sideways, you can expect choppy price action and consolidation so use caution when taking trades during this time. It is better to wait for the price to hold above or below both VWMAs and stay supportive there before taking trades. Waiting for volume to increase is also a good way to avoid chop after the trend decides a direction.
This indicator will repaint sometimes before the candle has closed, so either wait for the candle to close with a signal before entering trades or only take signals before it closes on candles with good volume and technical analysis backing it.
Trend Friend has multiple features designed to help you trade better and make decisions faster.
Buy & Sell Signals - When the algo detects all of our required parameters lining up on a single candle, Trend Friend will give Bull or Bear signals on the chart. Bull means upward price action is expected. Bear means downward price action is expected.
Take Profit Signals - When the price action makes a move that typically signals a reversal, a take profit signal will show up on the chart to help you get out of a trade before the next signal comes in.
Risk Levels For Signals
There is a risk detection system that tells you how risky each signal is as it comes in to help you stay out of dangerous trades. Wait for signals with low risk and you’ll be much safer than trying to take trades against the trend.
Alerts - There are options for alerts on buy signals, sell signals, take profit signals, price crossing the VWMA 100 and price crossing the VWMA 500. All of these can be controlled using tradingview alerts so you don't have to watch the charts and wait for things to happen. These alerts can also be used to send orders to trading bots if you choose.
Candles Painted Green Or Red According To Buy & Sell Pressure - By default, this indicator paints the candle sticks green, red or blue according to buy & sell pressure(DMI). You will need to turn off candle colors in your chart settings for this to appear correctly.
Percentage Updates - The table on the right has live percentage updates so you don’t have to measure out every move you are expecting. It will tell you the percentage from closest fibonacci levels, percentage away from the VWAP, percent gain or loss from the last signal entry and percentages from your own trades that can be configured in the settings. These help you always know how much more you can squeeze out of a trade and where your position stands without having to switch screens between Tradingview and your broker constantly.
Moving Average & VWAP Clouds - We included two color coded volume weighted moving averages(VWMA 100 and VWMA 500) and a color coded RMA 10 moving average. We also have a VWAP dotted line and cloud so you can easily see the trend direction on the chart at all times. The cloud and moving averages will turn green or red in real time depending on whether price is above or below each moving average or the VWAP respectively.
Trend Detection Label - The top label on the percentage update table tells you if the trend for this timeframe is Bullish or Bearish as well as when the trend is undecisive with choppy price action expected.
Chop & Low Volume Warning Labels - When price action is choppy or there is very low volume compared to historic candles, a warning label will appear at the top of the screen so you know to use caution and stay out of trades during these times.
Auto Fibonacci Levels - The chart will automatically populate fibonacci retracement and extension levels. The percentage update table will also give you real time updates on how far away the next fibonacci levels are from the current price.
Bounce Zone - We also included a very long term moving average cloud(EMA 1000 and EMA 2000) that shows as purple on the chart. When price enters that cloud, you can expect a reversal in that area. If price was trending above the cloud, expect that cloud to act as support. If price was trending below the cloud, expect that cloud to act as resistance. When price is trying to break through that cloud in either direction you can expect price action to be choppy and big moves to happen once price gets supportive in that zone and breaks out.
Margin Multiplier - If you are using margin to trade, our margin multiplier will multiply all of the percentage updates by the margin level you input in the settings tab so your percentages will reflect the percentages in your account.
***HOW TO USE***
Scalp, Swing And Long Swing Mode
You can choose from scalp mode, swing mode or long swing mode in the indicator settings. It is set to scalp mode by default. Scalpers will want to use the scalp mode as it provides early entries and exits and is designed to catch every move quickly. Swing mode is designed to catch almost every move and filter out some of the noise so it will have less signals than scalp mode. Long swing mode is designed to catch those lengthy moves and will hold positions the longest but give entries later than the other modes.
Try all three on a few charts and timeframes to see which setting matches your trading style the best. If you want more signals with any of the 3 modes, go to a lower timeframe. If you want less signals on any mode, go to a higher timeframe.
Bull & Bear Signals - When all of our algo parameters line up, a BULL or BEAR label will print on the chart. Bull labels will be colored green and bear labels will be colored red. Bull indicates a good place to enter a long trade because the algo is detecting patterns that indicate price should move upwards. Bear indicates a good place to enter a short trade because the algo is detecting patterns that indicate price should move downwards.
For best results using these signals, take trade signals that line up very closely with fibonacci levels or volume weighted moving averages or the vwap or any combination of them. It is also recommended to only take trades in the direction of the trend to avoid trading false reversals. Wait for low risk signals using our risk identifier and then enter the market. Waiting for good volume to come in will also help you avoid chop and catch those quick moves.
Also, make sure to check the percentage updates table to see if the expected move to the next fibonacci level is far enough away to make the risk to reward ratio worth taking the trade. Watch for signals when the VWMAs squeeze together after a wide gap and price breaks out with a corresponding signal as these can bring large, quick moves in price. Use caution when the VWMAs are close to each other and trending sideways as this usually brings choppy price action.
(The bull and bear signals can be turned on or off in the indicator settings input tab. Useful if you want to clean up the chart or only show bear or bull signals according to the trend.)
Take profit Signals - Take profit labels will show up on the chart when a reversal candle pattern or reversal indicator pattern is detected while a trade is still open. Use these signals as times that it may be a good point to exit the trade to avoid losses or reduced profits.
(The take profit signals can be turned on or off in the indicator settings input tab.)
Risk Level Label
Taking trades against the trend is dangerous because there are more false bottoms than there are actual bottoms. Our risk detection label is there to keep you from taking dangerous trades against the trend. The label will say Low Risk when the trend is in the same direction as the last signal given. The label will say Medium Risk when the trend is neutral because price likes to chop around during these times. The label will say High Risk when the trend is in the opposite direction as the last signal given.
Make sure you wait for the risk level detector to show Low Risk before taking trades or you may be buying a false bottom.
Candles Colored According To Buy & Sell Pressure - By default this indicator will paint the candlesticks green, red or blue depending on the buy & sell pressure for those candles using the Directional Movement Index or DMI. If buy pressure is higher than sell pressure, it will paint green. If Sell pressure is higher than buy pressure, it will paint red. If buy pressure is equal to sell pressure, it will paint blue. Use this to confirm which direction buying and selling is favoring and use a change in color trend to determine reversal points early. For this to work correctly you will need to go into chart settings(gear icon top right) and in the symbol tab turn off body, wicks and border.
(The buy & sell pressure candle coloring can be turned on or off in the indicator settings input tab.)
Auto Fibonacci - This indicator will automatically populate fibonacci retracement and extension levels for you. These levels are calculated using the previous high and low. You can switch the source between the previous day, week, month, quarter and year(the weekly setting is the default as it is great for day trading). The previous high and low levels will show as white(These are very important levels so watch for price to bounce off of the white lines). The percentage update table will also show the percentage gap from the current price and the next closest fibonacci level above and below, with labels telling you which fib levels they are.
(The fibonacci levels can be turned on or off in the indicator settings input tab.)
Volume Weighted Moving Averages With Clouds - The red or green moving averages should be treated as dynamic support and resistance as well as a visual way of telling current price trends. You can expect price to bounce off of these moving averages very often and quick moves usually happen when price breaks out of these moving averages.
The safest long trades you can take will be when the VWMA 100 is above the VWMA 500 and you get a BULL signal that is very close to the VWMA 100 or VWMA 500. The safest short trades you can take will be when the VWMA 100 is below the VWMA 500 and you get a BEAR signal that is very close to the VWMA 100 or VWMA 500.
When the moving averages squeeze together and price bounces between them, you can expect big moves in price when it breaks out. If price has been trending up and the moving averages squeeze together, expect the price to fall quickly once it breaks down from there. If price has been trending down and the moving averages squeeze together, expect the price to jump quickly once it breaks out from there.
These moving averages and the clouds associated with them will paint green when price is above them, indicating a bullish trend and they will change to red when price is below the moving averages, indicating a bearish trend.
You can also use the moving averages as support and resistance levels when markets are moving sideways. Since these are volume weighted moving averages, price tends to stick to them very well and paints a much clearer picture of what is going to happen than regular moving averages that don't take volume into account. Try it on a bunch of different timeframes and charts to see for yourself.
(The moving averages and clouds can be turned on or off in the indicator settings input tab.)
Bounce Zone - The bounce zone is a purple cloud that is made up of two very long term moving averages. When price is trending above this cloud and comes back down to it, you can expect the price to bounce back upwards in this zone. If the price is trending below this cloud and comes up to it, you can expect the price to bounce back downwards when it reaches this zone.
Sometimes price will break through this cloud and you will usually notice a lot of choppy price action and accumulation in this zone. When price does break out of it, you can expect fast, large moves. I also like to call this zone the safe zone because taking trades in this zone is typically a very safe place to enter trades depending on how the price is trending before it entered this zone. If you look at the cloud on any of your favorite charts, you will see that the cloud usually represents support and resistance areas quite well.
(The bounce zone can be turned on or off in the indicator settings input tab.)
Chop & Low Volume Warnings - When price is choppy, it can be a portfolio killer. When volume is low, it can give false signals or the market can reverse easily, so stay out of trades when these warning labels appear on your chart. If you were already in a trade when these warnings appear, keep a close eye on your trades and be ready to exit if things start to go the wrong way.
Long & Short Entry Calculator - Here you can enter your own entry price for short or long positions so that your actual P&L will be shown live on your chart. This eliminates the need to calculate percentages in your head or switch screens to your broker often or use the measuring tool to calculate your P&L. These will show as zero until a trade price is entered.
Margin Multiplier - If you use margin to trade, enter your margin multiplier in this input and all of the percentages in the percentage update table will reflect how far each level is based on your margin. So a 5x margin will multiply all percentages in the chart by 5 and so on. This way you don’t have to calculate everything in your head or switch between your chart and your broker constantly.
Customization - Go into the indicator settings and you can customize just about everything to suit your style. In the Input tab you can: turn the Bull or Bear labels off or on so you only get the signals that are going in the direction of the trend, turn on or off the moving average lines & clouds, turn on or off the vwap & clouds, set your fibonacci timeframe or turn them off completely and set your long or short entry price as well as your margin level for percentage updates according to your portfolio.
You can also easily customize: the moving average lines & clouds, the bounce zone lines and cloud, the vwap color and line style, the support and resistance line colors and thickness, the bull and bear label styles, the take profit label styles and more.
This indicator can be used as a signal on all markets, including stocks, crypto, futures and forex as long as Tradingview has enough data to support the calculations needed by the algo.
Trend Friend can be used on all timeframes.
For the buy & sell pressure colored candles to show up properly you will need to go to the chart settings(gear icon in top right corner) and in the symbol tab turn off body, wicks and border.
No indicator can be right 100% of the time and remember that past results do not guarantee future performance. You still need to make smart decisions when using this indicator to be successful. It is also important to note that markets with little volume and price action may not give very good signals due to many different parameters needing to line up on one candle for a signal to be given so use it on high volume tickers with lots of price action for best results.
Try using numerous indicators of ours on your chart so you can instantly see the bullish or bearish trend of multiple indicators in real time without having to analyze the data. Some of our favorites are our Volume Spikes, Directional Movement Index + Fisher, Volume Profile with DMI, and MOM + MFI + RSI with Trend Friend. They all have real time Bullish and Bearish labels as well so you can immediately understand each indicator's trend.
Volume Spikes & Growing Volume Signals With Alerts & ScannerVOLUME SPIKES & GROWING VOLUME SIGNALS WITH ALERTS & SCANNER
This indicator shows arrows when there is a volume spike. It also paints the background when volume is growing. There is also a volume scanner for 8 tickers that will change color in real time when your other favorite tickers see volume growth and spikes.
You can customize the length of DMI, the number of bars to calculate the current volume average from, the number of bars back to get the overall volume average from, the multiple that needs to be hit to give a signal, the position of the scanner table and which tickers are used in the scanner. There are detailed directions as tooltips in the indicator settings you can read to understand exactly what each input does.
All features are customizable as well as which tickers the screener uses.
***HOW TO USE***
Watch for volume to pick up before placing trades as this will help you stay out of the markets when price is choppy. Volume usually brings volatility so watch for the volume signals to show up on the chart. Typically when price has made a big move one direction or is consolidating and you see the volume indicator start giving signals, the market is ready to reverse or continue its current trend but move faster in that direction.
Volume Spikes
When there is a volume spike that is larger than the average of volume over the last 100+ bars(depending on your settings) multiplied by the volume amount multiplier(in your settings) then an arrow will show up on the chart. This arrow will be green if DMI is bullish and red if DMI is bearish.
Volume Growth
A Background color will appear when the average volume over the last 5 bars(depending on your settings) is higher than the average volume over the last 100+ bars(depending on your settings) and is greater than your multiple. It will also paint the background when the volume moving average has increased over the last 3 bars consecutively. The background colors will be red or green depending on buy & sell pressure(DMI). If the background color appears, then you know volume is growing and volatility is near.
Volume Scanner
The scanner can be customized to have all of your favorite tickers by changing the tickers used in the indicator settings at the bottom. When no volume growth or spikes are detected, the ticker will show as light blue. When volume spikes or growth is detected, the ticker will turn orange to notify you.
You can set up alerts as well when there is volume growth, bullish volume spikes and bearish volume spikes on any chart or timeframe.
Indicator Settings
Settings will need to be adjusted across different tickers as some have large swings in volume and some stay pretty even, so make sure to set up different chart layouts with settings that work for each ticker and save them individually so you don’t have to reset these values every time you switch charts.
This indicator can be used as a signal on all markets, including stocks, crypto, futures and forex as long as Tradingview has volume and DMI data for that ticker.
This volume spike indicator can be used on all timeframes as long as there is enough data for Tradingview to use for calculations.
Try using numerous indicators of ours on your chart so you can instantly see the bullish or bearish trend of multiple indicators in real time without having to analyze the data. Some of our favorites are our Auto Fibonacci, Volume Profile, Momentum, Auto Support And Resistance and Money Flow Index in combination with this Volume Growth indicator. They all have real time Bullish and Bearish labels as well so you can immediately understand each indicator's trend.
Fr3d0's Volume Profile Visible RangeLow level implementation
At the core of VPVR there’s a concept called “bucketization”.
Question : what is bucketization?
Answer : bucketization consists of identifying metrics with high predictive power and combine them appropriately.
I think this is a problem of bucketization because what the VPVR does is to take a price range, divide it into buckets and fill them up with the volume that was produced in each bucket’s range over the given period.
The more we divide our price range the finer the resolution, but also the less significant each bucket will become.
The steps are :
1. Get the price range with min and max over the give period;
2. Divide the range into buckets;
3. Loop over each candle of the given period and proportionally assign volume to one or more bucket.
Question : how to assign volume to buckets?
Answer : we need to calculate the right amount to add to each bucket for each candle. If 20% of a candle lies on a bucket then that bucket needs to have 20% of the volume of that candle, the rest 80% belongs to other buckets.
To get the percentage of a candle on a given bucket we have to find the price range of the candle contained within the bucket, then divide that amount by the entire length of the candle.
How to bucketize
Question : what are the formulas of A, B, C and Target respectively?
Answer :
- A = Max(candle_high, bucket_top) - Min(candle_low, bucket_bottom);
- B = Max(candle_high, bucket_top) - Min(candle_high, bucket_top);
- C = Max(candle_low, bucket_bottom) - Min(candle_low, bucket_bottom);
- Target = A - B - C.
Now that we now how to calculate the price range belonging to each bucket we need to calculate a percentage of volume to fill the bucket with.
The formula is trivially simple :
Volume * Target / (candle_high - candle_low).
Question : can we distinguish between buy volume and sell volume? If so, how?
Answer : yes we can and the following paragraph will teach you how.
Put it simply we can use the difference between the extremes of a candle (low and high) and its close price to get the buy and sell volumes.
The formulas for that are :
- Buy volume = Volume * (close - low) / (high - low);
- Sell volume = Volume * (high - close) / (high - low).
I know this is rather simplicistic but it makes sense.
Closing thoughts
This script is a working progress and I’m going to give more details if necessary, just let me know in the comments down below.
Market Profile with TPOThis is is Market Profile with TPO (the letters) on the current session. Due to pinescript limitations, we are limited to 500 TPOs, since this script uses 1 label per TPO. It is NOT volume profile, this is Time Profile (Time spent at a price).
If you are familiar with my work, then you would know that I am into creating indicators with tons of parameters, almost all of which are left for you to configure. While this gives you an incredible level of customization, the feedback I received was that some of you felt a bit overwhelmed by them.
As such, I decided to create an incredibly simple, yet effective indicator that can give you a better overview of what's going on with the security you are trading/investing in without you needing to tweak a dozen parameters. So, the first and most obvious difference you will notice with Trend Volume RSI Analysis is that you have only 1 parameter to configure (length), one checkbox to tick (highlight buy/sell zones), and one dropdown menu to choose from (the type of analysis). All unnecessary features are stripped away and all calculations are done on the backend. Now let's see if this simplicity affects the efficiency of the indicator.
1. Trend Analysis
The first type of analysis, selected by default, is the Trend. It shows the balance between bulls and bears and their respective strength. In order to filter out the noise and smooth out the graph, a moving average is applied twice - once from left to right, and once from right to left. Although this causes a minor delay, it is justified since the common moving averages lag is significantly reduced. The screenshot below shows an example of a small bull run on the 1h chart.
The indicator also performs very well in spotting divergences. Two divergences (bearish and bullish respectively) are illustrated in the screenshot below.
2. Volume Analysis
Volume Analysis doesn't just sum the standard volume of the trend. Rather, it calculates the effective volume - the one responsible for moving the price up or down and seeks the relationship between total volume and price movement. Thus, you get a smooth volume trendline that should prevent you from opening a position against the trend. As logic dictates, if the buying volume is growing, then the trendline will go up and it will be in green. If, however, the selling volume is growing, the trendline will decline and it will be in red. This analysis is better used on a bigger time frame, such as on a 4h chart.
Note: For those of you who have used my other indicator Multi Time Frame Effective Volume Profile, the formula used here is slightly different. The one used there is optimized for volume bars, while the modifications here deliver a slightly better trendline with less noise.
3. RSI Analysis
Contrary to the standard RSI which derives its results from price movement, this RSI is calculated based on the modified volume. So it's fair to say that it's a Volume RSI. This makes it a bit jerkier, almost something in between an RSI and Stochastics. However, it is much better in identifying divergences and will quickly indicate potential trends as it will start climbing up sooner. The screenshot below is on a 4h chart, but that's only because I want to show more examples. It works equally well on the 1h or even on a minute chart.
In the first example, the divergence is pretty obvious on all three indicators. However, in example 2 you would be able to spot it only on Trend Volume RSI Analysis and somewhat in Stochastics. RSI makes a double bottom there. Similar is the case with example 3, where this indicator is long gone on the way up in comparison to the other two. The difference in reaction comes from the supply and demand relationship, not just from the price movement. When bears are losing steam, the indicator detects this as a low supply level, thus printing the divergence or even climbing up to indicate the start of a new mini-trend.
I must note, however, that this part of the indicator must be used in accordance with the main trend (this is where the other two analyses come into play). You go long on a pullback when there's an established bull trend and you go short on a pullback when there's an established bear trend.
4. Additional Settings
I know, for an indicator with just one parameter this description is getting pretty long. There's only one thing left to cover - highlighting the buy/sell zones. It is fairly simple - when it's ON, the zones where bulls are stronger than bears will be highlighted in green. When the opposite is true, the background will be red. You can switch it OFF if it intervenes with your analysis, but I prefer having it as it shows a confluence of bull/bear force and the indicator itself. Here's an example below:
Although Trend Volume RSI Analysis may look like an incredibly simple indicator, I can assure you that a great deal of time, testing, and optimizing have gone into creating an indicator that does almost everything for you. The initial version was much more complex and a few dozen iterations were required to reach that level of simplicity and practicality. Furthermore, I will continue to update this indicator as well as introduce user-requested features if they will improve its overall performance. To find out more about how to gain access to this indicator, please use the provided information below or just message me . Thank you for your time.
Disclaimer: The purpose of all indicators is to indicate potential setups, which may lead to profitable results. No indicator is perfect and certainly, no indicator has a 100% success rate. They are subject to flaws, wrongful interpretation, bugs, etc. This indicator makes no exception. It must be used with a sound money management plan that puts the main emphasis on protecting your capital. Please, do not rely solely on any single indicator to make trading decisions instead of you. Indicators are storytellers, not fortune tellers. They help you see the bigger picture, not the future.
Multi Time Frame Effective Volume ProfileWHAT DOES THIS INDICATOR DO?
It is a well-known fact that volume often precedes price. As such, if you can spot an increased volume early on, you can take a position before the majority joins the trend. The purpose of this indicator is to show the tactical moves of the insiders and the big players before they become obvious to everyone. Similarly, you should more easily be able to identify trend exhaustion and look to close your position.
This volume indicator is largely inspired by Pascal Willain's concept of Effective Volume described in his book "Value in Time" , which is an improvement over Larry Williams' accumulation/distribution formula. The more robust formula takes into account two very important factors:
1) the gaps that are an inevitable part of almost all securities;
2) the closing price in relation to the spread, which indicates the bull/bear strength;
I have slightly modified Pascal Willain's formula for Effective Volume and introduced a few additional features, which I believe make the indicator easier to use and understand.
1. Volume Bar Deconstruction
The first significant part of this indicator is that it deconstructs the volume bar of your current trading session into one-minute volume bars, separates the significant volume, and then reconstructs the bar again. As a result, you get a new bar, in which only the significant volume is counted. Not only this, but you also get a more comprehensive view of the relationship between buying and selling that occurred on the smaller time frame.
In the screenshot below you can see that although the bears were stronger, the bulls met them with almost identical force, which resulted in absorbing the supply in 1 and then in 2 the demand drove the price up. In a traditional volume bar chart (which is also plotted), you only see the total traded volume in either red or green depending on the closing of the bar. As you would probably agree, this does not reveal the whole story.
Accumulation/distribution by large players and funds is done with great precision, which is hard to catch intraday and nearly impossible on a daily time frame. However, large orders are hard to conceal on the 1-min chart since any unusual volume sticks out like a sore thumb. The whole idea here is for you to get a comprehensive view of what's going on in the small time frame, reveal any hard to spot transactions, and then make an informed decision on your trading time frame.
To ease your analysis even further, the indicator shows you minor volume as a percent of the major volume . Since your current time frame volume bar is a sum of all buying and selling volume from a smaller time frame, you get to see a more complete picture of the buying and selling that occurred. For example, you have a total volume of 150 BTC in a single 1h volume bar, out of which 100 BTC is in selling volume and 50 BTC is in buying volume. What you will see as parameters are this: 50 (buying volume), 100 (selling volume), 50 (minor volume as a percent of the big volume, since 50/100 = 0.5 = 50%). The higher the percentage, the more even the powers between buying and selling are.
2. Volume Trend
Building upon the first feature of the indicator, you can also choose a cumulative volume trend line. It is constructed by evaluating the type of the significant volume - adding it up if the bar closes positive (green) and subtracting it if the bar closes negative (red). The evaluation is once again done on a 1-min time frame by default, but you can change that along with the count lookback period in settings.
3. Bull / Bear Equilibrium
Based upon the volume bars, Bull/Bear Equilibrium shows you the difference between buying and selling pressure under the form of a smoothed histogram. It is particularly useful not only for spotting trends early in the beginning, but also when those trends start reaching a point of exhaustion. You can then move your Stop Loss accordingly, close part of your position to preserve profits, or even look for a good entry position in the opposite direction.
As much as I would like to offer it for free (as some of my other ones), a great deal of work, trading logic, and testing have gone into creating this indicator. More than a few hundred iterations and a few dozen branches were required to reach the end result which is a precise combination of usefulness, simplicity, and practicality. Furthermore, this indicator will continue to be updated and user-requested features that improve its performance will be added.
Disclaimer: The purpose of all indicators is to indicate potential setups, which may lead to profitable results. No indicator is perfect and certainly, no indicator has a 100% success rate. They are subject to flaws, wrongful interpretation, bugs, etc. This indicator makes no exception. It must be used with a sound money management plan that puts the main emphasis on protecting your capital. Please, do not rely solely on any single indicator to take trading decisions instead of you. Indicators are storytellers, not fortune tellers . They help you see the bigger picture, not the future.
To find out more about how to gain access to this indicator, please use the provided information below or just message me. Thank you for your time.
BANK NIFTY ALGO This indicator is specifically designed for trading Bank Nifty (NSE) for intraday trading & short term swing trading
Description :
This indicator is based on Price Action Theory, Volume Profiles and Moneyflow Analytics. It also incorporates important parameters of the underlying assets such as Banking stocks & key benchmark banking metrics. It shows the bias of the index at any given point of time.
USP: It reacts to change in price momentum if that is sustainable; thereby eliminating random spikes & offshoots in price. This is much more conservative way of trading & gives signal only when the trend is strongly stabilized.
How to use ?
Timeframe : Time duration for each bar (Input to given to the indicator by user)
Notations used in the indicator:
B- Signal for Buy
S- Signal for Sell
CS- Close Shorts
CL- Close Longs
BookLong- Book all Longs
BookShort- Book all Shorts
Critical Pivot is a point which is defined as the boundary of bullish & bearish sides. This is the thick line which changes color green to maroon to grey. It gives an idea of bias in the market. Green color is for Bullish bias, Maroon for Bearish bias & Grey for Neutral
Swing High: The dynamic green line at the end of the charts
Swing Low : The dynamic red line at the end of the charts
Major uses of the Indicator:
1. Understanding the direction of Bank Nifty and understands levels for entry / exits --- B & S signals
2. Understanding SL levels in order to prevent loss during unforeseen events ------------- Break of the critical pivot ( green/maroon line )
3. Understanding Trailing SL levels to hold on to the winners --------------------------------- Break of the Green/Red Line
Ideal Timeframes for this Indicator :
1.Intraday ( 5 min/15 mins )
2.Swing ( 30 mins/1 hour)
Disclaimer: This script/strategy is for educational purpose and individual use only. The author of this script/strategy will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained in the charts. Please be fully informed regarding the risks associated with trading the financial markets.
This is a premium indicator
If you want access to this indicator, please message us (Links/Email in description below )
BANK NIFTY | SCALP PROThis indicator is specifically designed for trading Bank Nifty (NSE) for intraday scalping
Today we live in a age of Day trading (~90% trades at the exchange are intra day trades ). This requires set of much sophisticated tools & techniques to analyze the charts.
Description :
This indicator is based on Price Action Theory, Volume Profiles and Moneyflow Analytics. It also incorporates important parameters of the underlying assets such as Banking stocks & key benchmark banking metrics. It shows the bias of the index at any given point of time.
USP: It reacts to changes in price & other critical parameters very fast identifying the best scalping opportunities
How to use ?
Timeframe : Time duration for each bar (Input to given to the indicator by user)
Notations used in the indicator:
B- Signal for Buy
S- Signal for Sell
CS- Close Shorts
CL- Close Longs
BookLong- Book all Longs
BookShort- Book all Shorts
Critical Pivot: This is the thick line which changes color green to maroon to grey. It gives an idea of bias in the market. Green color is for Bullish bias, Maroon for Bearish bias & Grey for Neutral
Swing High: The dynamic green line at the end of the charts
Swing Low : The dynamic red line at the end of the charts
Major uses of the Indicator:
1. Understanding the direction of Bank Nifty and understands levels for entry / exits --- B & S signals
2. Understanding SL levels in order to prevent loss during unforeseen events ------------- Break of the critical pivot( green/maroon line )
3. Understanding Trailing SL levels to hold on to the winners --------------------------------- Break of the Green/Red Line
Ideal Timeframes for this Indicator :
1.Scalping ( 3 min / 5 min/15 mins )
Disclaimer: This script/strategy is for educational purpose and individual use only. The author of this script/strategy will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained in the charts. Please be fully informed regarding the risks associated with trading the financial markets.
This is a premium indicator
If you want access to this indicator, please message me (Links/Email in description below )
Z-HistogramIt is possible to approximate the underlying distribution of a random variable by using what is called an "Histogram". In order to construct an histogram one must first split the data into several intervals (also called bins) often of the same size and count the number of values falling within each intervals, the histogram plot is then constructed with the X axis representing the measured variable and the Y axis representing the frequency.
The proposed script aim to estimate the underlying distribution of a rolling z-score by constructing its histogram, here the histogram consist of 13 bins of width 0.5 rolling standard deviations. The length setting define the rolling z-score period, the window setting define the number of past data to be counted, finally using the "Total" option (true by default) will count all the rolling z-scores values since the first bar, in order to use the window setting make sure to uncheck the "Total" option.
In order to see the entirety of the histogram make sure to double click on the indicator window and to have all the lower panels (text notes, pine editor...etc) hidden, finally make sure to zoom-in in order to see the frequency numbers displayed.
Z-Histogram on BTCUSD 15 min TF, the blue bins represent intervals situated over 0 while red bins represent intervals situated under 0. Here σ represent the X-axis in standard deviations, the histogram start with a bin situated at σ = -3 which count the number of times the rolling z-score was within -3 and -2.5, the histogram end with the bin situated at σ = 3 which count the number of time the rolling z-score was within 3 and 3.5.
It is also possible to look at the shape of the histogram without having the indicator window at full size.
An histogram can give really interesting information such as overall trend direction and strength. The direction can be measured by looking at the skewness of the histogram, with a negative skewness (the peak of the histogram situated at the right from the center) representing down-trending variations and positive skewness (the peak of the histogram situated at the left from the center) representing up-trending variations, while a symmetrical histogram could represent a ranging market. The farther away the peak of the histogram is situated from the center, the stronger the trend.
Another interesting characteristic is the tailedness of the histogram, which can give information about the cleanliness of the trend, for example a positive skew and high tailedness would represent a clean up-trend, as it could suggest less variations contrary to the main trend.
An histogram applied to the rolling z-score can give various useful information. As a recall the rolling z-score of the price measure the distance between the closing price and its moving average in term of rolling standard deviations, for example if the rolling z-score is equal to 2 it means that the closing price is currently 2 rolling standard deviations over its moving average.
Lets for example analyze the histogram using INTC 15 min tf with a window of 456 bars and rolling z-score of length = 100 in order to review longer term variations.
We can see from the histogram that the uptrend visible on the chart is represented by the bins situated over 0 having an overall higher frequency than the bins under 0, we can see that the closing price tended to stay between 1 and 1.5 rolling standard deviations over its period 100 moving average. Here bins under 0 accounts for retracements in the trend.
An histogram can give various information regarding the price evolution of a security, the proposed script aim to plot the histogram of a rolling z-score. Now this script might not be too useful but it was fun to make, also it does not mean that an histogram is not an useful tool in the context of trading, the only thing required is a god implementation of it (like volume profiles for example)
In this post we have also reviewed some important statistical concepts such as distributions, z-score, skewness and tailedness, each being extremely important in the quantitative trading field.
Thx for reading !
Delta Volume Columns [LucF]Displays delta volume columns using intrabar volume information. Each volume column is divided into three sections: buying, selling and neutral volume. Volume for each section is determined from the volume and price movement of each intrabar at a user-selected lower resolution.
Features include:
- Choice of color themes for either dark or light chart backgrounds
- Delta volume columns
- Volume Balance displayed as the difference between the MAs of buying and selling volume
- Display of divergences between a bar’s volume balance and the bar’s price movement (example: buying volume > selling volume but close < open). Divergences can be shown in 2 different color schemes (including green/red showing a tentative direction), on volume columns and/or on chart bars
- Display of bar by bar volume balance with highlighting of above average volume
- Display of the usual total volume MA
- Choice of the lower resolution used to retrieve intrabar information
- Alerts configurable on any combination of the markers, with control over long/short direction
- Choice of 3 different markers:
1. Double bumps: two consecutive bars where buying or selling volume is in the same direction and where volume > volume MA
2. Divergence confirmations: direction of the price bar following a price/volume balance divergence
3. Volume balance shifts: zero level crossings of the volume balance MA delta
The chart shows the two main modes of display:
- Top pane : shows the stacked volume columns with divergences in orange and the flattened volume balance MAs delta at the bottom of the volume columns. This volume balance is the same shown in the bottom pane. The top pane also shows the instant volume balance strip above the volume columns. The strip’s colors show which of the buying or selling volume was greater, and colors are brighter if the total volume was above the total volume MA.
- Bottom pane : shows the volume balance MAs delta with markers 1 and 2. Given that this graphic has no price momentum component, I find quite eerie how it often looks like a momentum-based signal.
The default 5 minute intrabar resolution is used in combination with the weekly chart, which is excessive.
This script uses a special characteristic of the security() function’s behavior when it is sent to a resolution lower than the chart’s resolution. Details are given in the script’s comments. This method has the advantage of working under more circumstances than some of the other loop-based methods, but it also has its limits.
This is what you need to know:
- The method used does not work on the realtime bar—only on historical bars. Consequently, the volume column shown on the realtime bar is a normal volume column plotted in green or red, following price movement. The column will only show delta volume information after it closes and becomes a historical bar.
- The indicator only works on some chart resolutions: 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 12 hours, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. The script’s code can be modified to run on other resolutions, but chart resolutions must be divisible by the lower resolution used for intrabars.
- Intrabar resolutions can be selected from 1, 5, 15, 30, 45 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4 hours, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. The intrabar resolution must of course be smaller than the chart’s resolution.
- Contrary to my other indicators where alerts must be configured to trigger “Once Per Bar Close” in order to avoid false triggers (or repainting), all this indicator’s alerts are designed to trigger using previous bar information since the indicator’s calculations in the realtime bar are not exact. Markers are not plotted with a negative offset; they appear at the beginning of the realtime bar following confirmation of the marker’s condition on the previous bar. Alerts for this indicator should thus be configured to trigger “Once Per Bar” so they trigger at the beginning of the realtime bar. Note that the penalty is not that great, as it is simply the instant between the close of the previous realtime bar and the opening of the next. The advantage of using this technique is that the indicator does not repaint; a marker that appears at the beginning of the realtime bar will never disappear.
- The script only plots information that is reliable in the realtime bar, i.e., total volume and markers. All other plots are set to n/a to prevent misleading traders.
- When the difference between the chart’s resolution and the lower resolution is too important, volume columns will not calculate for all bars in the dataset.
On Delta Volume
Buying or selling volume are misnomers, as every unit of volume transacted is both bought and sold by 2 different traders. There is no such thing as “buy only” or “sell only” volume, but trader lingo is riddled with original fabulations.
Without access to order book information, traders work with the assumption that when price moves up during a bar, there was more buying pressure than selling pressure. The built-in volume indicator available on TradingView uses this logic to color the volume columns green or red. While this script’s numbers are more precise because it analyses a number of intrabars to calculate its information, it uses the exact same imperfect logic to calculate its buying/selling/neutral sections.
Until Pine scripts can have access to how much volume was transacted at the bid/ask prices, our so-called buying/selling volume information will always be a mere proxy.
You may wonder how there can be divergences between buying/selling volume information and price movement. This will sometimes be due to the methodology’s shortcomings we have just discussed, but divergences may also occur in instances where because of order book structure, it takes less volume to increase the price of an asset than it takes to decrease it.
As usual, divergences are points of interest because they reveal imbalances, which may or may not become turning points. I do not share the overwhelming enthusiasm traders have for divergences. To your pattern-hungry brain, the orange bars this indicator shows on chart will—as divergences on other indicators do–appear to often indicate turnarounds. My opinion is that reality is generally quite sobering, as many who have tried building automated rules based on divergences will tell you. I do not have hard numbers on the lack of performance of divergences—only many failed attempts to make them perform, which a few experienced strategy modelers I know share with me. Please don’t try to read too much into them. While they look great on past data, I find they are often difficult to use in realtime to make bets with good odds.
Thanks to:
- A guy called Kuan who commented on a Backtest Rookies presentation of an intrabar delta volume indicator using a for loop. The heart of “my” indicator is code borrowed from Kuan; I just built a hopefully useful wrapper around it.
- @theheirophant, my partner in the exploration of the sometimes weird abysses of security() ’s behavior at lower resolutions.
moving quantilesAlways works... Just kidding, indicates moving quantiles. Something between volume profiles and moving averages.
Cumulative Volume Delta with SignalThis premium-grade technical indicator provides deep insights into market sentiment by tracking the difference between buying and selling pressure through volume analysis. SCVD offers a sophisticated approach to volume profile analysis, helping traders identify potential trend reversals and momentum shifts before price action confirms them.
Key Features:
Real-Time Volume Delta Analysis: Visualizes buying vs. selling pressure through color-coded candles
Smart Signal Line Integration: EMA-based signal line helps identify trend changes and trading opportunities
Multi-Timeframe Capabilities: Automatically selects optimal lower timeframes for precision or can be customized
Daily Reset Option: Anchor period functionality for intraday delta analysis
Professional Visualization: Clean, color-coded display with zero reference line
Trading Applications:
Identify divergences between price action and volume delta for potential reversals
Spot accumulation/distribution patterns through delta behavior
Use signal line crossovers for entry/exit timing
Confirm trend strength by analyzing delta momentum
Detect potential false breakouts through volume confirmation
Perfect for day traders, swing traders, and institutional investors who rely on volume analysis for decision-making. This indicator combines sophisticated volume delta metrics with an intuitive interface to provide actionable trading insights across all markets and timeframes.
Dynamic Trend & Levels by VikOpineThis indicator combines the best aspects of trend-following, volume and price action to help traders make informed decisions and can be used with other indicators for confluence. 🚀
Key Features and Concepts:
Volume-Weighted Moving Average (VWMA):
Unlike a simple moving average, the VWMA gives more weight to price action with higher volume, helping traders identify strong trends backed by significant market participation.
It helps distinguish between low-volume price fluctuations and meaningful market moves.
Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP):
Used by institutional traders, VWAP serves as a benchmark to gauge whether the current price is overbought or oversold relative to the average price weighted by volume.
The indicator tracks VWAP levels dynamically, offering insights into price reversion opportunities and breakout confirmations.
Fibonacci Levels (Dynamic Support & Resistance):
The script dynamically plots Fibonacci retracement and extension levels based on recent price swings, allowing traders to identify potential reversal and continuation zones. These levels change colors individually based on them becoming support or resistance.
Fibonacci levels help in setting stop-loss levels and profit targets based on natural market cycles.
Ichimoku Cloud (Trend Confirmation & Market Sentiment):
Provides a multi-dimensional view of trend strength, momentum, and potential reversals.
The Kumo (cloud) helps traders identify support and resistance zones, while the Tenkan-Sen and Kijun-Sen lines confirm trend direction. I prefer to remove the lines and only keep the clouds to anticipate upcoming trend.
How the Indicator Works:
The script dynamically calculates and overlays VWMA and VWAP to give a clear view of volume-backed trends.
Fibonacci levels are recalculated based on recent swing highs and lows, ensuring they remain relevant to current price action. This feature avoids to re-draw Fibs manually.
The Ichimoku Cloud adjusts in real-time to provide trend and momentum signals.
The session volume profile updates dynamically to highlight high-liquidity zones and potential breakout areas.
Alerts can be set up in Tradingview allowing traders to know the price action in real time.
How to Use This Indicator in Trading:
Trend Confirmation: Use VWMA, VWAP, and the Ichimoku Cloud to determine the prevailing trend and avoid trading against market momentum. Go with the trend.
Reversals: Look at the dynamic Fibonacci levels to find key support and resistance areas where price may reverse or consolidate. These levels change color as they become support or resistance.
Breakout & Continuation Trading: Monitor VWAP deviations and Ichimoku signals to identify strong trend continuation setups.
Mean Reversion: Use VWAP re-tests to spot potential pullback entries in established trends.
Alerts: Customize alerts to stay ahead of market moves.
Take advantage of paper trading feature available in Tradingview to familiarize yourself with this indicator. Experience is the best teacher as in any other case.
Ideal for:
✅ Traders looking to capitalize on VWAP trend and level.
✅ Traders utilizing Fibonacci levels and Ichimoku trends for structured trades.
✅ Scalpers leveraging levels and trends for quick entries/exits.
✅ Traders who rely on volume-backed trend confirmations.
No indicator is perfect so take everything with a pinch of salt.
Drop a comment below with your feedback or if you have any question.
Value Area - Day Trading SuiteValue Area Day Trading Suite
A professional-grade indicator designed specifically for day traders who utilize Volume Profile and Auction Market Theory. This suite provides tracking of previous day's value areas, helping traders identify how current price interacts with these established institutional levels.
It tracks how much time has spent within the value area without Level to Help Measure Acceptance
Key Features
- Previous Day's Value Area tracking (VAH, POC, VAL)
- Precise time-in-value-area measurement
- Cash session integration with major market timezones
- Value Area acceptance alerts
Trading Applications
Perfect for day traders who:
- Trade using previous day's Volume Profile levels
- Focus on institutional price acceptance/rejection
- Trade market structure using confirmed value areas
- Want to automate their value area analysis
- Trade during specific market sessions
Value Area Analysis
The indicator tracks how long price stays within the previous day's value area, helping traders:
- Identify Potential Support / Resistance Levels
- Spot acceptance of established levels
- Find high-probability trading opportunities
- Time their entries and exits more effectively
Professional Tools
- Customizable cash session times for different markets
- Multiple timezone support
- Flexible dashboard positioning
- Clean, professional appearance with adjustable colors
- Alert system for value area acceptance
Built for day traders who utilize value areas
Altcoins Screener [SwissAlgo]Introduction: The Altcoins Screener at a Glance
The Altcoins Screener is a cryptocurrency analysis tool designed to provide an overview of potential trading opportunities across multiple crypto coins/tokens and categories. By combining technical analysis, price action assessment, and social metrics (via LunarCrush data), it presents market information and trading signals for a broad range of altcoins (approx. 300 USDT.P pairs of 9 crypto categories).
The screener is designed to consolidate market information onto a single chart , aiming to streamline the analysis of market conditions. It provides a consolidated market overview, which can simplify the assessment of market conditions, compared to monitoring individual charts with several layered indicators.
Key Features:
🔹 Multi-category analysis covering 300 crypto pairs of 9 categories on a single chart (Layer 1 & Top Coins, Layer2 & Scaling, Defi & Landing, Gaming & Metaverse, AI & Data, Exchanges & Trading, NFT & Social, Memes & Community, Other, User's Custom Portfolio).
🔹 Technical analysis with trade signals (Long/Short) based on an aggregated view of technical and social data points
🔹 Social sentiment integration through LunarCrush metrics (GalaxyScore, AltRank, Social Sentiment)
🔹 Real-time market scanning provides automated alerts when market conditions for specified coins/tokens potentially change.
🔹 Custom watchlist support for personalized monitoring (users can define a custom category containing a set of specific cryptocurrencies, i.e. own portfolio).
The screener presents data in a table format, using color-coded indicators to aid visual analysis. Detailed technical information is also provided. The assessments/trade signals provided by this indicator should be considered as one input among many when forming your trading strategy.
What It Does
The Altcoins Screener is a cryptocurrency analysis tool that offers:
Data Display and Analysis (Technical/Social):
🔹 Technical Metrics
* Technical Raw Data : Displays raw values for a range of technical indicators, including RSI, Stochastic RSI, DMI/ADX, RVI, ATR, OBV, and Hull Moving Averages (including their recent trends and potential significance).
Detailed view of key technical indicators, for further analysis and evaluation:
* Technical Analysis (Summary) : Provides a summarized interpretation of technical conditions based on aggregated parameters:
* Price Action
* Trend
* Momentum
* Volatility
* Volume
Summarized view of confluences for potential long/short bias:
🔹 Social Metrics (LunarCrush) : Presents data from LunarCrush®, including Galaxy Score®, AltRank®, and Social Sentiment® (including their recent trends and potential significance).
Lunarcrush data for the top 10 coins for each crypto category:
🔹 PVSRA (Price Volume & Market Makers Activity) Candles : Shows special candles highlighting potential market maker activity and volume anomalies, helping identify possible manipulation zones (including imbalance zones, i.e. price areas that market makers may revisit)
Key Features:
Automated trade signals (Long/Short) are generated based on algorithmic calculations and signal confidence levels across technical and social data points. These signals are intended to be used as one component of a broader trading strategy.
Custom sensitivity settings allow users to adjust the analysis timeframe (options: 1D, 2D, or 1W). Higher timeframes may provide a broader perspective, while the 2D setting is the default configuration.
Multi-category analysis covering a selection of approximately 300 crypto pairs across 9 predefined crypto categories.
Custom symbol selection: Users can define a custom list of up to 10 symbols for focused monitoring.
Automated Alerts to track potential trend changes across crypto categories (Long to Short to Neutral, or vice versa)
Visual Interface:
Organized table display with color-coded indicators to aid interpretation.
Clear and efficient format for scanning market information.
Target Audience
🔹 The screener is designed for cryptocurrency traders who:
Need to efficiently monitor multiple USDT perpetual futures markets
Use technical analysis in their trading decisions
Want to track sector-wide movements across crypto categories
🔹 Suitable for different trading styles:
Scalpers requiring quick market assessment
Swing traders analyzing multi-day trends
Position traders monitoring longer-term setups
The color-coded interface makes it accessible for intermediate traders while providing detailed metrics for advanced users. A basic understanding of technical analysis and crypto trading is recommended.
How It Works
The Altcoins Screener evaluates cryptocurrencies through a multi-layered analysis:
🔹 Core Analysis Components
Each parameter combines multiple indicators for comprehensive evaluation:
Price Action
EMA crossovers and momentum
Support/resistance zones
Candlestick patterns
Hull Moving Average system
DMI/ADX trend strength
Multi-timeframe confirmation
RSI/Stochastic RSI readings
MACD convergence/divergence
Oscillator confirmations
RVI/ATR measurements
Bollinger Bands behavior
Historical volatility trends
OBV trend analysis
Volume/price correlations
Volume profile assessment
🔹 Signal Generation Process
1. Real-time data collection across timeframes
2. Weighted indicator calculations
3. Parameter aggregation and analysis
4. Signal strength determination
5. Color-coding and alert generation
How to Use
🔹 Initial Setup:
Add the indicator to a chart (use the 1D timeframe)
Select your preferred crypto category or create a custom list
Choose between Technical Analysis or Technical Metrics view
Set data sensitivity based on your trading style
🔹 Using the Technical Analysis View:
Monitor color-coded dots for quick market assessment
Green: bullish conditions
Red: bearish conditions
Gray: neutral conditions
Check the "Trade Signal" column for potential Long/Short entries signaled by confluences among technical and/or social data points
🔹 Using the Technical Metrics View:
Review detailed numerical values
Monitor slopes (↑↓ arrows) for the most recent trend direction of each data point
Watch for pivotal points (highlighted cells): these are data points that suggest potential trend reversals
Focus on the confluence of multiple indicators
The technical metrics view corroborates the conclusions shown in the Technical Analysis View, providing more details about some critical data points.
🔹 Alert Configuration:
Enable Technical Alerts for signal notifications (which coin/token seems most suited for Long or Short trades, and which coin/token is in a neutral/uncertain state for trading = "No Trade")
Configure alert conditions based on trading style
Set timeframe-appropriate sensitivity
Monitor alert messages for trade signals
Instructions on how to set alerts are provided in the script (enable "Signals Setup Instructions" in User Interface to get a step-by-step guide about setting up alerts)
Best Practices:
Confirm signals across multiple timeframes
Use appropriate sensitivity for your trading style
Monitor multiple categories for sector rotation
Combine signals with your trading strategy
Verify signals with price action confirmation and deep dive into the charts of your potential targets
About the Settings
🔹 Crypto Category Selection
Layer 1 & Major: Top market cap coins (BTC, ETH, XRP,...), established protocols
Layer 2 & Scaling: ETH L2s, scaling solutions
DeFi & Lending: Decentralized finance protocols
Gaming & Metaverse: Gaming and virtual world tokens
AI & Data: Artificial intelligence and data projects
Exchange & Trading: Exchange tokens, trading protocols
NFT & Social: NFT platforms, social tokens
Memes & Community: Community-driven tokens
Others & Misc: Other categories
Custom Category: User-defined list (up to 10 symbols)
Data Type Options
Technical Analysis: Color-coded summary view
Technical Metrics: Detailed numerical values of some key technical data points
Sensitivity Settings
Higher: Shorter timeframe, more frequent signals
Default: Balanced timeframe, standard signals
Lower: Longer timeframe, stronger signals
Alert Settings
Technical Alerts: Trade signal notifications
Data Timeframe: Minimum 1D required
Theme: Dark/Light mode options
Note: All analysis is performed on USDT Perpetual Futures pairs from Binance
Q: Does the screener work on other exchanges besides Binance?
A: No, it's designed specifically for Binance USDT Perpetual Futures pairs. Binance offers the highest liquidity and trading volume in the crypto derivatives market, making it ideal for technical analysis. The extensive range of trading pairs and reliable data streams help ensure more accurate signals and analysis. Using a single high-liquidity exchange also helps avoid inconsistencies that could arise from aggregating data across multiple platforms with varying liquidity levels.
Q: What's the minimum timeframe required?
A: The screener requires a minimum 1D (daily) timeframe. This requirement ensures that the technical analysis has sufficient data points for reliable signal generation. Lower timeframes can produce more noise and false signals, while daily timeframes help filter out market noise and identify stronger trends.
Q: Why are some social metrics showing "NaN"?
A: "NaN" (Not a Number) appears when cryptocurrencies don't have associated LunarCrush data. This typically occurs with newer tokens or those with lower market caps. The technical analysis remains fully functional regardless of social metric availability, as these are complementary data points.
Q: How often are signals updated?
A: Signals update with each new candle on the selected timeframe (1D, 2D, or 1W). For example, on the default 2D setting, signals are recalculated every two days as new candles form. This helps reduce noise while maintaining timely analysis of market conditions.
Q: Can I add spot trading pairs?
A: No, the screener is optimized for Binance USDT perpetual futures pairs for data consistency and analysis purposes. While spot and perpetual prices typically align closely due to arbitrage, using a single data source (Binance) and contract type (USDT perpetual) ensures uniform data quality and analysis across all pairs. This standardization helps maintain reliable technical analysis and signal generation.
Q: How many coins can I add to my custom list?
A: Users can add up to 10 custom symbols to their watchlist. This limit is designed to maintain optimal performance while allowing focused monitoring of specific assets. The custom list complements the predefined categories that cover over 300 pairs.
Q: What determines signal confidence levels?
A: Signal confidence is calculated through a weighted algorithm that considers multiple factors: trend strength (Hull MA, DMI/ADX), momentum indicators (RSI, SRSI), volatility measurements (RVI, ATR, BB), volume analysis (OBV, volume trends), and price action patterns. Higher confidence levels indicate stronger alignment across these factors.
Q: Are signals guaranteed to work?
A: No. Signals are analytical tools based on historical and current market data, not guaranteed predictions. They should be used as one component of a comprehensive trading strategy that includes proper risk management, position sizing, and additional confirmation factors. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Q: Why does the screener need higher timeframes?
A: Higher timeframes (1D minimum) provide several benefits: reduced market noise, more reliable technical signals, better trend identification, and lower likelihood of false signals. They also align better with institutional trading patterns and allow for a more thorough analysis of market conditions across multiple indicators.
The Altcoins Screener is a comprehensive crypto market analysis tool that:
Scans 300+ cryptocurrencies across 9 sectors on a single chart
Combines technical indicators and social metrics for signal generation
Identifies potential trading opportunities through color-coded visuals
Saves time by eliminating the need to monitor multiple charts
The tool is suited for:
Market overview and sector rotation analysis
Quick assessment of market conditions
Technical and social sentiment tracking
Systematic trading approach with alerts
Use this screener with caution and as a complement to any other tool you use to define your trading strategy.
This indicator is for informational and educational purposes only:
Not financial advice: This indicator should not be considered investment advice.
No guarantee of accuracy: The indicator's calculations and signals are based on specific algorithms and data sources, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Market conditions can change rapidly.
Past performance is not predictive: Past performance of the indicator's signals or any specific asset is not indicative of future results.
Substantial risk of loss: Trading cryptocurrencies involves a substantial risk of loss. You can lose money trading these assets.
User responsibility: Users are solely responsible for their own trading decisions and should exercise caution.
Independent research required: Always conduct thorough independent research (DYOR) before making any trading decisions.
Technical analysis is one of many tools: Technical analysis, including the output of this indicator, is just one tool among many and should not be relied upon exclusively.
Risk management is essential: Use proper risk management techniques, including position sizing and stop-loss orders.
Comprehensive strategy: Use this tool as part of a comprehensive trading strategy, not as a standalone solution.
No liability for trading results: The Author assumes no responsibility or liability for any trading results or losses incurred as a result of using this indicator.
No TradingView affiliation: SwissAlgo is an independent entity and is not affiliated with or endorsed by TradingView.
LunarCrush data: The indicator utilizes publicly available data from LunarCrush. LunarCrush data and trademarks are the property of LunarCrush.
Consult a financial advisor: Consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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